First Post: Friday, July 26, 2024

From Tel Aviv, everybody, Shabbat Shalom!

At the intersection of Herzl & Rothschild, which could easily be considered the heart of Israel’s second-largest city.

That inescapable, unobscurable, unrelenting Mediterranean sun in the Levant had a little bit of company in the sky today; the first sighting of fluffy white high clouds, not many, but enough of them to be worth remarking on. The humidity in Tel Aviv adds to the summertime oppression of comfortability, and memories of Boston in June & July, as well as of New Orleans pretty much anytime from May-through-October, came dripping back. The altitude and inland location of Jerusalem was more our game, the drier Medterranean climate we get spoiled with at home, La-La Land, Los Angeles, California.

The city started preparing for its customary day of rest well ahead of sundown today; even by 4 p.m. the merchants were winding things up, and the restaurants began stacking chairs on tables and removing food form display cases. The traffic thinned, and the usual steady stream of pedestrians slowed to little more than a trickle. This slowdown will continue for at least the next 24 hrs. after it started, with Saturday night clear for opening things up again.

BestLine Racing Society Nightcap:

Colonial Downs here at 20 mins. before midnight local time…


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About Steven Unite

The unofficial spokesperson for the Boys In The Backroom...
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