Hawaii’s way to say Merry Christmas,
Merry, Merry Christmas, a very Merry Christmas to you…
BestLine Racing Society Recap:
No racing today, not on the North American continent, anyway. However, recommended for wintertime-holiday day-drinking: hot coffee drinks spiked with any kind of whisky or whiskey, Scotch, Irish, bourbon, or, if you are feeling especially rich, brandy or cognac. To wit, this morning, with the Grand Mariner French toast, it was egg nog cut with a little whole milk, then fortified with a shot of bourbon plus a goodly amount of Irish cream liqueur, the whole thing whisked and then warmed-up in a sturdy mug, then emboldened by not one but two shots of espresso, like basso profundo-strength espresso to stand-up to all the other liquid ingredients. Stir again, heat a little more, then top with whipped cream. All the elements glide into the mouth and delight the tastebuds such that the tongue is, like, singing, ‘Hey, Merry Christmas to you, you grown-up beverage, you; you are a gift. Mele Kalikimaka!’
BestLine Racing Society Nightcap:
Probably same as above, just without the coffee. We don’t need to stay up all night; that was last night, what with the Pope on TV plus all those NORAD alerts regarding St. Nicholas.
BestLine Racing Society Precap:
Racing resumes tomorrow at five tracks in the U.S.: Keystone / Phila. Park / ParXXX, Gulf, Mahoning, Santa Anita (Opening Day!) & Golden Gate. Here is the Strongshot/Longshot rundown on the whole…
Golden Gate 1
Mahoning 9
Mahoning 7
Keystone / Phila. Park / ParXXX 8
If you have made it this far in the blog without grabbing a ukulele or mixing-up a cocktail, you can sign-up here for free dope emailed directly to you on Dec. 26 & Jan. 1. No obligation, no purchase necessary…
Merry Christmas Steve, Boys in the back room, and Kevork the Kanine!
Thank you for a great year!!
Best always,
Thank you to the Doc. All work is service. It is a privilege to be of service. Merry merry!