First Post: Friday, April 24, 2020


However, it’s probably better for the larch to skip the Clorox & the hydroxychloroquine (with or without the Z-pack or the zinc). Nature finds a way, especially through the brains of the syphilitic. Which allows us to segue to the touchy subject of Dear Leader…

Man, if this was pro sports or acting or music, this would have been banished to amateur hour and community theatre and the singing-competition reject outtakes already. Nobody would pay to watch this level of performance in any arena or stadium or Zoom conference or Instagram Live feed; likely, the citizens would have been hurling rotten oranges at this stage, especially from the cheap seats!

It’s only because there’s only a binary choice, just two potential job applicants, that this has somehow found a way to continue. The true capitalist / libertariat systems would have found a way to render this incompetence and insanity to irredeemable obscurity by now. However, since the labor market for this particular position is pretty much down to only two people right now, both of those candidates are guaranteed at least a 40 percent market share, regardless of their actual abilities, just like every baseball team is guaranteed to win a minimum of 60 games each season and lose a minimum of 60 games each season. 

And that’s where we are with all this. 


There were seven selected races yesterday. There were 21 win-overlay wagers, and there was a runner-up finish, at 8-1.

WMF Report / Track-Trend Notes

Follow directly: here.


The Zongo Race Club suggests Gulf 6, 8, 9, Oaklawn 2, 6, 7.

In the immortal words of They Might Be Giants, the spiraling shape will make you go insane…

About Steven Unite

The unofficial spokesperson for the Boys In The Backroom...
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3 Responses to First Post: Friday, April 24, 2020

  1. Shoutoute says:

    For our longtime correspondent & Fine Arts Editor the halocheffer:

    Enjoy this, Mr. OperaMan! Listening to this made us keep reaching reassuringly below the waist.

  2. halocheffer says:

    why Thank you! very nice!

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