First Post: Thursday, August 30, 2012

Protagonist scoreboard: Atticus Finch > J. Galt > H. Roark…

You’d like to think P. Ryan would do the right thing if a runaway train were hurtling into the path of his family, but with these randroids, you just can’t be sure. Wife, kids, everyone else could merely be surplus to requirements!

Also, Fat Christie and the rest of the H. Jarvis / Norquist Kidz, they know the cost of everything but can’t begin to imagine anything can have a (nonmonetary) value beyond its cost. This is why we end up with for-profit colleges (hello, Univ. of Phoenix!) while genuinely good schools like Univ. of Calif. system go begging. Come on! Even Eisenhower had a public-works initiative!

Fat Christie pulled this argument with the subsidies to racing in N.J. To him and the rest of his dubious ilk, there’s no possibility of a positive knock-on effect after the subsidy. So while we get all stingy and starve investment in meaningful things, shareholders get fatter and countries like India and China spend what we used to on things like education and infrastructure. We chase the Kardashian Kidsz & J. Beebster and the young people of China & India are now the earnest and serious citizens we used to be.

In the neverending battle between the State and the Corporation, what happens if you have the misfortune of not being a stakeholder in the Corporation? Goodbye! If you don’t think there’s waste or inefficiency (or both) in the private sector, what explains all the excess flowing into the pockets of the guys wearing the top hats? Aha! Maybe with the State you have half a chance of getting something back. It’s a suboptimal choice, but we shade away from the Corporation.

Finally, horseracing is a haven for immigrant-types like you and us. If you read this, you are probably no more than second-generation Amurrikan. You’re probably doing OK. We hate to think where we’d be if these virulent Tea Baggers had been in charge when our parents and grandparents were landing on these shores.

Not really prOblahblah, merely anti-Corporation. Thank you.

Free ones: Rundown…

Saratoga Race Course (qualifying races only)

Pay-side: Today…

Monmouth 1, 6, 7
Delpark 3, 5, 6
River 4, 7
Arlington 4, 6, 8
Remington 1, 4, 6, 9

WMF Report:

Delpark 6f
PennNat 1m
River 6f

Saratoga 1 1/16m (T)

Nocturnal Submission: Evangeline’s fifth (8:20 p.m. EDT / 5:20 p.m. PDT) finds #2 Special Jewel Rae, #5 Sayonaray’all, #3 Lil Savanna in with a triple-bypass operation. …Later there, Race 8 (9:35 / 6:35), it’s #12 Sorcerer’s Saint, #6 Miss Clem comprising your Bonkers-type scenario. …Couldn’t get away without a stop in Penna., so here’s Race 4 at Presque (6:40 / 3:40): #11 Valuable Lesson, #9 Devil’s Rage, #6 Play Man all come up OK in a 14-horse (precooked weight) lotto-ball hopper. …

Thank you. Best wishes. Goodbye. Bye-bye.

About Steven Unite

The unofficial spokesperson for the Boys In The Backroom...
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