Thanks to the new "security" features in Vista, the same ons that force you to run our programs as Administrator, the process of installing the 2007 Fall Par update is a bit trickier.

It is, however, a simple matter of replacing some files on your hard drive. If you do not feel confident about doing this after reading the instructions below, please ask somebody who is more familiar with your computer to help.

For Fast Capper or The Handy Capper:

1) Click here to download the file

2) Extract from the downloaded zip archive the files AP.PAR DMR.PAR PID.PAR and SA.PAR

3) Move these files to the "pars" directory of the program. replacing any existing files of the same names,. For Fast Capper the standard location of the pars directory is:

C:\Program Files\FastCapper\pars

for The Handy Capper is is:

C:\Program Files\TheHandyCapper\pars

For All In One:

1) Run All In One and back up your database, just in case. Quit All In One.

2) Click here to download the file

3) Extract from the downloaded zip archive the files 060APP_TRACKS.koi and 062APP_PARS.koi

4) Move these files to the "database" directory of the program. replacing any existing files of the same names,. For All In One the standard location of the pars directory is:

C:\Program Files\AllInOne\database

Then run All In One as normal.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the way Vista keeps our install and update programs from working as they should. We plan to have a new process in place in time for the 2008 par updates. Until then, if you have trouble with this update, please contact us.

Cynthia Publishing • 11054 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 377 • Studio City CA 91604
Voice (323) 876-7325 • Fax (323) 874-1591